31.03.2009 ( Tuesday )

Today is the last day of March. So, today have to complete my class register. Today I had a lot of classes and was very busy entering the classes until doesn’t have much time to have any new post today. Today I had classes with 2 Bestari, 2 Dedikasi and again 2 Efisyen. Don’t know what happen to the 2 Efisyen students today, they were quite good. Good in the sense that they were not walking around the class when I was teaching and were not talking vulgar words to their friend. But their attitude is still the same, never do the work that I gave and never copy the notes that I wrote on the white board. As long as they are not noisy in the class, I feel okay! After all the classes, I had an extra class for my Form 5 students. Today I did some revision with them on form four chapters because they will be sitting for their mid-year exam soon. I feel scared for them because the form 5 students are busy involving with so many co-curricular activities. I wonder how they will arrange their time with the activities and their studies. Hopefully they can do well in both!

30.03.2009 ( Monday )

As the title of my blog is ‘good morning teacher, you are a good teacher’, so I got to upload something of my life as a teacher. So I plan to write my life as a teacher in SMK Seri Lalang. Today is Monday. Every Monday my school will have a formal assembly same as others school in my state. After assembly I got a Mathematics class in Form 2 Efisyen. This class is consisting of boys only. When I entered this class I feel that I am in the zoo. But I think I give too much credit to the zoo because the zoo is much better than the class. Their attitude is terrible; I can’t imagine them at home. I think their parents will be very sad to see their children attitude in the class. Every teacher that entered this class will be complaining about their attitude. They are rude and always use vulgar words.
I have two classes only for today. The other class is also Mathematics class but it is in Form 2 Bestari, my class ( I am the form teacher). Today I taught them a new topic, Linear Algebraic.

Even though I seem very free today, but I have a lot of things to be done. I need to give out receipt for my class PBT and also to find students to participate in Red Crescent camping that will be held next week, 10th, 11th and 12th April. I also have to stay until 5.00 p.m today because have to observe students on marching practice. You see, everyday I come to school by 7.15 a.m. and I have to work until 5.00 p.m. So, don’t think the life of a teacher is easy; it is a lot of responsibilities and you can’t imagine the work load that we have.


My friends that went to Sabah with me last holidays were complaining that I didn’t upload their pretty face in my blog. So, I have to post this KK trip part III trip to stop her complaints. Besides having good food and climb Mount Kinabalu, we all went to a lot of beaches and island in Sabah as they said Sabah is the paradise for scuba divers. I like the beaches there but I don’t like the island that I went .I went to Pulau Manukan and Pulau Sapi only due to time constraint. I don’t like the islands not because it is not beautiful but because there were a lot of jelly fishes around the island. And the jelly fishes were very small that we can’t see clearly during our snorkeling. I was being told by the guide that it was jelly fish season. It was very painful and itchy. Since the jelly fishes were small so it is not life threatening.
The local people told me that if I want to go to beautiful island I have go to the island at Tawau, Sandakan and Samporna which is very far from Kota Kinabalu city, so got to postponed next time when got RM0 air ticket.

These are photos taken around the islands ( Sapi and Manukan Islands ).

I went to two beaches when I was in Kota Kinabalu. I went to Pantai Karambunai and Pantai Malinsung.. It is a very great place for family and friends to have gathering and picnic.

A peaceful day at Melinsung beach

Wherever you go must remember to leave your footprint. So,I leave my footprint together with fingers print.



After a lot of shots finally comes up with these two photos. These photos are looks like from an advertisement, what advertisement? Try to guess, it's a woman thing!haha...

bla, bla, bla... my 1 week semester break holidays

I have been busy the previous week, so don’t have time to have any new posting. Finally this week I have settled down a bit and can spend some time to refresh back my holidays.
I had a quite busy holiday last semester break, On the first and second day, I had to come to school to have extra class for my form five students and to do stock inventory. Wah.. What a hectic holidays… Then I had one day to study for my PTK. But tell you the truth; I never study for the exam. So this exam is totally depends on my luck on that day. Finally the day that I have waited for so long has arrived. I got free tickets for A-Mei concert from my aunt. It’s a VIP seating huh, RM 298 per ticket. I went there with my dad, brother, sisters and a few friends. I enjoyed myself very much. It’s a kind of tension released programme. I was shouting and dancing with the A-Mei fans there. Really can’t imagine myself become so excited and jumping around as I always scold my students to keep quite and sit at their own place. My friend catch a video of me and my friends jumping around like monkey but to keep my image I won’t upload it in my blog. Here are a few photos taken during the concert.

This photo is taken before the concert begin. Just want to show you all that my seat is very near to the stage. The audience is more than 10 thousand ( I know the sum after I read the newspaper on the next day after the concert).
This the photo of the artist. Haha can't see the face? Its taken using my handphone and I don't have the time to adjust and zoom because busy shouting and dancing around.

This photo is showing the screen that was put on the both side of the stage. There's subtitle, so the fans can sing along even don't remember the lyrics.


28 MARCH 2009 is Earth Day. I celebrated this day together with billions of people in this planet by switching off all the lights in my house for one hour (local time 8.30 pm to 9.30 p.m). I feel proud that I can play a role in saving the only planet earth even though it’s only a small part. I want to post the pictures but you can’t see anything because everything is dark. I hope that everyone out there can support earth day by seeing that a small change can make a big differences! Everyone matters that means YOU as well.

This is a part of my action research.
5.2.1 Cara pelaksanaan
(a) Guru menyenaraikan ‘Beautiful Numbers’ kepada pelajar. Beautiful Numbers yang diberikan adalah nombor-nombor kuasa dua sempurna dari nombor 1 hingga 20. Beautiful numbers tersebut adalah 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 169, 196, 225, 289, 324, 361 dan 400.Guru meminta pelajar menyalin nombor tersebut dalam buku latihan dan juga juga menampalkan senarai tersebut di papan kenyataan kelas.Guru memberi tempoh satu minggu kepada pelajar untuk menghafal beautiful numbers tersebut.

Berikut adalah contoh senarai yang dibuat oleh pelajar.

Pelajar ini menampalkan senarai nombor kuasa dua sempurna ini di halaman kulit buku latihannya.

(b) 10 minit sebelum P & P dijalankan guru akan bertanya kepada setiap pelajar beautiful numbers secara rawak.
Cara guru menyoal adalah secara lisan dan setiap pelajar akan ditanya 3 soalan. Pelajar yang tidak dapat menjawab dengan betul akan didenda untuk menyalin senarai itu mengikut bilangan kesalahan.

Contoh dialog antara guru dan pelajar semasa sesi soal-jawab.

Guru : What is the square of 17?
Pelajar : 289
Guru : Square of 13?
Pelajar : 169
Guru : 7 square?
Pelajar : 49

Program ini juga dapat membantu dalam read-aloud program (RAP) di mana pelajar dapat menyebutkan jawapan yang diberikan dalam Bahasa Inggeris dengan betul.

Selain dari itu, guru juga minta pelajar mengaplikasikan beautiful numbers itu untuk nombor-nombor yang lebih besar dan juga nombor perpuluhan.

Selepas program ini dilaksanakan, pencapaian pelajar dalam topik ini adalah meningkat daripada 20% kepada 80% pelajar-pelajar dapat membuat latihan untuk topik punca kuasa dua nombor dan punca kuasa dua nombor dengan baik. Selain itu, Pelajar juga dapat menjawab soalan ujian yang diberikan dengan lebih baik.Terdapat peningkatan dalam ujian pre-test dan post-test yang dijalankan. Secara puratanya peratus pelajar yang dapat menjawab dengan betul topic ini adalah meningkat daripada 26.3% kepada 68.1%. Peningkatan peratusan pelajar yang dapat menjawab soalan topik ini dengan betul adalah sebanyak 41.8%
Selain daripada peningkatan dalam peratusan pelajar yang dapat menjawab dengan betul dalan bab ini, pelajar juga mula menunjukkan minat untuk mencuba untuk menjawab soalan-soalan yang diberikan. Program ini juga dapat menambahkan keyakinan pelajar untuk menjawab soalan-soalan bab ini. Pelajar-pelajar berbincang sesame mereka untuk menjawab soalan dan tidak bergantung sepenuhnya kepada bimbingan guru dalam menjawab soalan bab ini.

Pelajar-pelajar menunjukkan minat untuk menjawab latihan-latihan yang diberikan Pelajar membuat latihan yang diberikan dengan bersungguh-sungguh.

Diharap dengan adanya program beautiful numbers ini dapat diperbaiki dan dimurnikan lagi supaya pencapaian pelajar adalah 100%.


This is my action research proposal. I did it last night. Thank you to Kak Azlina and Juitah for checking the grammar for me. It has been quite a long time that I didnt write essay in Malay Language. And thank you to Kak Sabariah for lending me all informations and examples of action research papers. Thank you!

TAJUK KAJIAN : Menguasai Topik ‘Square’ dan ’ Square Root’ ( Kuasa Dua Nombor dan Punca Kuasa Dua ) Pelajar Tingkatan 2 Bestari dengan Manggunakan Program ‘ Beautiful Numbers’.

NAMA PENGKAJI : Panitia Matematik
Jalan Ayer Hitam,
86000 Kluang, Johor.

1. Refleksi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Lalu

Sewaktu saya mengajar Bab 2 Matematik Tingkatan 2 Bestari, saya dapati pelajar tidak dapat menjawab latihan yang diberikan dengan betul lebih-lebih lagi bahagian punca kuasa dua nombor kerana pelajar tidak dapat mengaitkannya dengan kuasa dua nombor tersebut. Keadaan menjadi lebih buruk lagi apabila pelajar tidak dapat menjawab topik yang berkaitan iaitu penganggaran kuasa dua dan penganggaran punca kuasa dua. Kurang daripada 20% pelajar yang dapat menjawab soalan bahagian ini dengan betul. Apabila saya bertanya kepada pelajar bahagian topik yang mereka rasa amat keliru dan tidak boleh dijawab, mereka menyatakan bahawa mereka langsung tidak faham sedikit pun bab ini. Jawapan pelajar ini memberikan saya satu tamparan yang hebat. Pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang dijalankan adalah tidak berkesan sama sekali kerana pelajar tidak memahami langsung apa yang diajar. Selain itu, saya juga menyedari bahawa ramai dalam kalangan pelajar Melayu dan India di kelas ini mempunyai asas pendaraban yang lemah. Jadi adalah menjadi masalah kepada pelajar ini untuk menguasai bab ini dengan baik. Apabila pelajar tidak dapat menjawab soalan yang diberikan, pelajar secara langsungnya menjadi tidak berminat untuk membuat latihan yang berkaitan dengan bab ini. Pelajar juga tidak mahu mengambil bahagian dalam aktiviti pembelajaran yang dijalankan.

Apakah yang patut saya lakukan untuk menarik minat pelajar untuk mempelajari bab ini dan seterusnya menguasai topik ini? Apakah tindakan yang boleh saya ambil untuk mengatasi masalah ini? Saya telah berusaha untuk memberi contoh yang banyak dan pelbagai kepada pelajar tetapi masalah ini masih lagi tidak dapat diselesaikan. Pelajar boleh menjawab soalan yang diberikan dengan betul apabila saya membimbingnya langkah demi langkah. Tetapi, apabila saya memberi soalan untuk pelajar menjawabnya sendiri, pelajar masih lagi tidak boleh menjawabnya dengan betul. Jika pelajar tidak dapat menguasai bab ini dengan baik, pelajar akan menghadapi masalah apabila menjawab kertas 2 kelak kerana mereka tidak membenarkan penggunaan kalkulator. Jika masalah tidak dapat diselesaikannya sekarang maka ia akan berlarutan hingga ke Tingkatan 3. Bab ini tidak akan diajar semula di Tingkatan 3 tetapi akan diaplikasikan dalam penyelesaian masalah terutamanya topik yang berkaitan dengan luas segiempat.

2. Fokus Kajian

Walaupun saya mendapati bahawa ramai pelajar kelas saya yang menghadapi masalah Matematik, saya akan fokuskan kajian ini kepada masalah penguasaan kuasa dua nombor dan punca kuasa dua nombor. Pelajar bermassalah untuk menjawab soalan topic kuasa dua dan punca kuasa dua nombor. Dengan membantu pelajar menguasai topik kuasa dua dan punca kuasa dua ini pelajar akan menunjukkan minat untuk membuat latihan bab ini dan menjawab soalan yang diberikan dengan betul dalam ujian dan peperiksaan sekolah.

3. Objektif Kajian
Selepas kajian ini selesai dijalankan, pelajar-pelajar diharap akan dapat mencapai objektif berikut:

i. Objektif Umum
Meningkatkan prestasi Matematik pelajar tingkatan 2 Bestari.

ii. Objektif khusus
Pelajar dapat menjawab soalan kuasa dua nombor dan punca kuasa dua nombor dengan betul.
· Pelajar dapat menganggarkan kuasa dua dan punca kuasa dua nombor yang diberikan dengan betul.
· Meningkatkan minat pelajar dalam P&P topik ini dan juga P&P Matematik.

4. Kumpulan Sasaran

Kajian ini melibatkan 36 orang pelajar Tingkatan 2 Bestari yang terdiri daripada 27 orang pelajar Melayu, 7 pelajar Cina dan 2 orang pelajar India.

5. Tindakan yang dicadangkan

i. Tinjauan masalah
Sebelum program dijalankan, tinjauan terhadap masalah yang dikenalpasti akan dibuat bertujuan untuk memahami dengan lebih mendalam masalah tersebut. Tinjauan dilakukan dengan mengutip data seperti berikut:
· Ujian khas diberikan untuk menganalisis masalah topik ini. ( pre-test )
· Latihan dalam buku teks dan buku kerja yang diberikan.

ii. Program Beautiful Numbers

Cara pelaksanaan
(a) Guru menyenaraikan ‘Beautiful Numbers’ kepada pelajar. Beautiful Numbers yang diberikan adalah nombor-nombor kuasa dua sempurna dari nombor 1 hingga 20. Beautiful numbers tersebut adalah 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 169, 196, 225, 289, 324, 361 dan 400.Guru meminta pelajar menyalin nombor tersebut dalam buku latihan dan juga juga menampalkan senarai tersebut di papan kenyataan kelas.Guru memberi tempoh satu minggu kepada pelajar untuk menghafal beautiful numbers tersebut.

(b) 10 minit sebelum P & P dijalankan guru akan bertanya kepada setiap pelajar beautiful numbers secara rawak.

(c) Guru meminta pelajar mengaitkan nombor-nombor tersebut dengan punca kuasa dua nombor.

(d) Guru meminta pelajar menganggarkan kuasa dua nombor untuk nombor-nombor yang lebih besar dan nombor-nombor perpuluhan.

(e) Guru memberikan post-test kepada pelajar untuk membandingkan keputusan sebelum dan selepas program dijalankan.

Bla, la, bla... Boring day

Today is the first day of school after a week break. Last Friday I went to a concert, I got a VIP seat. The photo is unable to be uploaded today because I am busy with action research that need to be submitted by this Friday. Headache thinking about it. hmm.... career as a teacher is not as easy and simple as I think. So many extra work that need to be done. But this career also can give me the satisfaction that no other career can give.


I was very busy on the previous week with my students’ assessment test 1, so don’t have much time to upload new post. Today the mood to update new post is back as the result of SPM for year 2008 is out. I am very relieved and happy with my students’ result. I am very proud of you all! Bravo! I very touched with the effort that you all put into it!A am feeling over the moon right now!The Chemistry SPM result for year 2008 is 100% for my school. There is 1 student got A1. I am so happy for her.
Hopefully this year students will keep up with the good result.


This is my office ( staffroom). I like the environment of my office very much, so I am gladly show you this photo.
These 2 are the example of tidy and systematic working space. I plan to have my desk to be like this, but sadly to inform you all that usually it will only last for two days the maximum.

This is my working table! Hmm.. very messy huh...This shows that I am a very busy person. You can see on top of my table still got a lot of exercise books waiting to be marked.


Sabah really leaves too much sweet memories for me. So I decided to post more on my experiences there. Besides climbing Mount Kinabalu, the other best thing that you need to enjoy is the foods there. The type of food that you can find there is varieties and it is very fresh. The prices also fair. If you have the chance to visit Sabah, do not miss to try out the local food there and the most importantly you must try out the seafoods there!

These are some of the foods that my friends and I had at a quite famous restaurant, Gayang Restaurant.

They said if you visit Sabah, do not miss the seafood there. So as a smart tourist I also do not miss this opportunity. Actually I wanted to order for lobster, but because of limited budget, we substitute it with centipede prawn (left) and tiger prawn (right). The prawns are very fleshy and fresh. We chose this prawns from an aquarium where all of it still alive. Can you imagine how fresh it is? I ordered the centipede prawn to be fried with special blend flour and the tiger prawn to be cooked as fried butter prawns with cheese and curry leaves. All of us do not like these dishes much because it is not spicy and the prawns were overcooked.
If you want to take tiger prawns, I will suggest that you order it to cook as stir fried black pepper with chilies.

This crab is fried with black pepper and chilies. But I don’t like the taste because it is not spicy and it is too oily. Maybe my friend and I like spicy food so we don't like much the food there.

On the left is fresh mushroom cooked with cauliflower in oyster sauce. All of us like this very much because it tastes just nice, not too salty or too oily. On the right is a type of wild plants that only can be found in Sabah. it is cooked with 'belacan' (prawn paste). Yummy! Yummy! We all like this dish very much.

This is Sabah Chicken Rice. My friend brought us to a famous restaurant to have this chicken rice. It is very different from the one we have in West Malaysia. The black bowls are filled with salty fish, ‘taugeh’ and steam egg as the side dishes. The bowl in the middle is filled with soup and is served hot. If you want to compare the taste, I will prefer the one that I have in my hometown, Johor. In my hometown the chicken rice is cooked in Hainanese style.

P.S: Please wait for my next post ( Kota Kinabalu Trip Part III) for futher information about my vacation in Sabah k! This week is busy with school work because next week my students going to sit for their first assessment test. So have to prepare question paper!


This year I am the form teacher of Form 2 Bestari. I am teaching them Mathematics. It is the only class in Form 2 that has different races of students ( Malays, Chinese and Indians ). I like my class because it feels like Malaysia where all the students can communicate and working together in a team in spite of different races.

This is the photo of my class. Where are the students? They had gone for their recess. The notice board at the back of the class is the information of each subject they are learning.

This is taken from my class. My class is on the second floor. This is the place where all students assemble in the morning before entering their own class. It is called ' Dataran Gemilang '


I was excited with this new born blog, so I have asked my entire friend to check it out… It looked awkward if you ask people to log on your blog but you only upload a few things only. So I am burning mid night oil (modern era: turn on fluorescent lamp) together with a cup of black coffee and five pieces of Gardenia Delicia Chocolate bread, trying hard cracking and squeezing my head to come up with this new updates.

Last November ( 2008 ) I went to a state at the east of Malaysia, Sabah. I went there for 10 days. Actually the visit to Sabah is just to have a small gathering with my ex-housemate Siew Lee and Jeck Fang. Besides the warmth welcome from both of them, I got another reward that is the ever ready sweet and friendly smile of the local people there. The simple but meaningful gestures are carved deeply into my heart. So, if you want to travel, why not try to visit Sabah, I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I do.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my billion of thanks and gratitude, ‘xie xie, ‘terima kasih ’ to:
Jeck Fang and Siew Lee. Thank you and for your warmth welcome and you are really a good tour guide.Without you my travel to Sabah will be meaningless.
My friend, Joan Gan for being our host on my first day in Sabah.
Thank you to Siew Lee’s friend, Christopher for accidentally being our free driver and tour guide and showing us around the fascinating places in Sabah.
And dare not to forget my blog sifu, Mrs Donny Juitah for her being my operator guidance during my visits there!
Thank you so much ya! Your good deed will always be remembered.

My second objective for being in Sabah is to conquer Mount Kinabalu. It is the highest mountain in South East Asia. I am proudly to inform you that I have succeed to conquer it! It is a really beautiful place that is worth every single strength and effort that you put into it. Let me show you some of the pictures there.

This picture is captured on my up the mountain. I took the longer route that need to climb extra 2 km just for these pictures. Do enjoy these pictures okay...

This is the best part of the path up the mountain. I feel relieve when I saw this path, that's why I took some time to capture this beautiful scene.

This is also the same place as the above. I uploaded this photo is to show my photography skill, how is it? okay or not? This photo is captured using my hand phone, so the quality is not so good.

Check out the height! It is 4095.2 metres above the sea level.

This photo is taken on the top of the mountain. It's very cold up there, around 8-9 degree celcius only.It is just after splashy raindrops so the sky still looks overcast. My friend and I can't take any photo because our hands are trembling so much due to the cold weather up there.So, our tour guide, Mr Francis, helped to take these photos.His photographic skill is not bad huh...

I like these photos because it make me feel that as though I am on the top of the world. This photo is also captured by my tour guide, Mr Fancis. I uploaded these photos because I want to show to all the spectacular scenery.

This is one of the peak of mount Kinabalu, I really amused with this peak because it looks like a gorilla.This photo is also shot by my tour guide, Mr Francis. He said this magnificent scenery must show to everybody.
This is the photo of me on the top of Mount Kinabalu, this photo is posted to show off that I had succeeded in conquering the mount. Bravo! I am really proud of myself!!!


My photo
Hi, welcome to my blog… This blog is created specially to show you all my life as a teacher in SMK Seri Lalang, Jalan Ayer Hitam, Johor, Malaysia. I’ve been teaching in this school for three years and a lot of sweet memories were showered upon me by my colleagues and my students. So, I would like to show my billions of thanks and appreciation by posting their generous and kind faces for all my blog visitors to see.

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